Corporate social responsibility

Corporate social responsibility of BH GasAmwerk

Corporate social responsibility

BH-Gas doo Sarajevo endeavors to develop business that is balanced and equally responsible in all three important dimensions: economic, social and environmental.

We strive to measure the company’s success not only by achieved business results, but also by what we do for the benefit of the community. The business policy of BH-Gas doo Sarajevo is not only aimed at increasing the transported quantities of natural gas within the existing system and expanding the gas pipeline network, but our activities are also focused on social and environmental aspects, and we additionally invest significant funds in the development and education of employees and contribute to valuable projects in the community in which we operate.

We thereby confirm that corporate social responsibility is our permanent commitment. And in the years ahead, we will strive to be a reliable partner to the community as a whole, actively cooperating and responding to its expectations.
